Apologies for this VERY late post. Can't blame it on lack of connection, but rather a standby period with limited action...
I'm in Punta Arenas, and have been here for three weeks now - waiting. Waiting for all pieces to fall in place allowing me to begin the final chapter and move south. However this has proven as difficult as I had feared, with very limited traffic to the ice and even more limited if your not a scientist, in the navy or a millionaire. I can brag of none of the above and must wait in line like everyone else who is enthusiastic about reaching Antarctica.
To make it more difficult my project requires more time then is given if I was to part take in any of the organized tours that run of out Punta Arenas. They allow visitors to spend one to two day maximum before being flown back to the mainland. I need at least two weeks to be sure that I can get any work done. Weather can be rough and I may spend many days locked down. I've approached the Chilean Antarctic Institute and been granted permission to visit their base, this will buy me more time - however it does not include any form of transport.
I've been in touch with the one airline that transports goods and personnel to the basses. Two weeks later, I'm still waiting to get a confirmation - all indications show this confirmation may come through tonight, with possible departure tomorrow. My bags are packed - 5 home made stoves (can't bring or get gas for the one I have), 2 liters of alcohol to burn, 14 packs of noodles, 700g dark chocolate, 2kg nuts, plaster for a Russian artist, tent and sleeping bag...
But my time here in Punta Arenas has not been completely wasted. My friend Drew came to visit on his way back from a nearby park. I've taken a few multiday trip to another park not far from the city. Just a few hours from downtown and its back in the wilderness. These trips give peace and patience.
So xing my fingers for tonight, tomorrow and the weeks to come. Update to follow.
Images are a mix from the past weeks - including Oden, the icebreaker I traveled to the North Pole with. Yes they also passed by Punta Arenas - left for Antarctica. I still wonder why I'm not onboard...