Wet roads and logging trucks is a noisy combination!
Friday, February 26, 2010
February 26th, 2010
Back on the 101 heading south. Destination: Kalaloch. Yes that would be the town with the most bullet holes...
February 25th, 2010
A week since I left Seattle - today I move on. I had thought I would spend another night, but as food rations are running low I don't have much choice. Knee feeling a bit stiff, but much better. Important thing is remembering to pace myself and accept the snails passing me going up hill. Bike is packed, waterproof and all. Rain still falling.
February 23nd, 2010
February 22nd, 2010
Day of practical work. Sun is still shining, but the forecast speaks of rain...I must move camp to somewhere I can get my extra tarp protection up. Elk has been hanging out around the camp all day. Mutual respect and no one gets in trouble...
Febuary 21st, 2010
Febuary 20th, 2010
Another day in the rain shadow.
Port Angeles is the destination - aprox 25 miles west.
On a bridge crossing a small creek I ran into Justin - heading the opposite direction.
As it turns out he lives in Port Angeles with his wife a cat - and I was offered shelter for the night.
Their friends from Seattle also passed by and spend the night - how random and nice surprises sometimes can be...
Febuary 19th, 2010
It was dark by the time I found a place to set camp last night. Just off the highway outside Poulsbo. Not very quiet or ideal, but it did the job. The night brought frost.
But as the sun cleared the trees it became a good riding day.
The route from here to Sequim is busy with cars and trucks, but passes some lovely scenery - and endless hills...knees feeling punished. Found a totem pole outside a gas station that supplied lunch and a dinner for later. Set camp at Sequim Bay State Park. Clear night sky. Otters in the water...

Febuary 18th, 2010
Febuary 17th, 2010
Picked up the bike. At the hotel, they looked skeptical as I loaded it into the elevator. I proceeded to pack. Allot of stuff. yes. Had to leave my loving boots behind...how sad all three of us were.
Olympics on the tv - mens halfpipe. Watching Shaun White win gold was an inspiring boost.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Botanical garden
Jayme joined me in Seattle. Despite rain and wet clothes it was great. It seems the spring is arriving early with the sweet smell in the air.
Febuary 6th, 2010
Boarded Greyhound on a 4 day journey back cross Cananda. After two days everything begins melting together - towns I'd only just passed going the other way. Feels great to be moving in the right direction. Bus has rest stops every hour or so, with a few longer layovers in between. There's a smell hinting of alcohol coming from the back but mainly its a quiet ride. A native teenage girl plays with a remote controlled car at the rest stop, while ripped goretex jackets smoke as many cigarets as the five minute break allows. Food is junk and I have only one bagel left from Toronto. With a two hour layover in Winnipeg I got to see my friend Jane at the bus depot. Bus is full from Calgary to Vancouver. Olympics I assume...

Febuary 3rd, 2010
The van has it's last trip to the shop (yes-this is the dirtiest shop I've ever seen, but the service was great as was the price) before handing over the keys the new owner, Christophe. How happy we both are...
January 27th 2010
Finally I arrive in Toronto - warmly greeted by the Young's. Spent great days here and celebrating Rebekha's birthday. Look at all my crap pilled up in boxes - how tolerant you are with me - thanks again!!
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