Peter has returned and I'm now preparing the final details before heading south, crossing into Mexico tomorrow.
The last few weeks have mainly been spent in New Mexico, with a few brief stops through Texas. I had a chance to scan some more negatives and feel confident that I have sufficient material from North America.
It's all very uncertain what I'll get from here-on as it will be the first time I visit the majority of countries I'll be passing though. But one thing which is certain is the giant crystal cave of northern Mexico, which I was granted access to last week, with the help of Itzel Alvarez.
We will be visiting it on the July 17th, and I look forward to posting views from the inside.
Regarding transportation: plans have changes slightly in order to make the deadline of reaching the tip of South America by November. This is crucial if I'm to catch a ride to Antarctica, as all ships depart from November to December. No arrangements have been finalized and I fear that this wont happen till I'm physically there. What this time frame means is that I'll have to skip lightly over certain countries. As I still intend to avoid flying, I've decided to take the bus to Peru and begin riding the bike from there. It will take approximately a month to reach Lima if all goes as planed (not likely).
Updates to follow - Mexico City on the 14th.

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