By the time I emerged from hiding it had been light for hours. Trucks were entering and exiting the highway, but no one seemed to pay any attention to the sleepy looking guy packing the dusty bike by the side of the road.
The snow covered mountains, dry desert valley and the mild morning air convinced me that I'd come to the right place. The starting point of the second leg. But I was out of water. The last few weeks away from riding have taken their toll and it will be a few days before I'm back in the rhythm and have my priorities straight.
The ride to Zion national park was a good introduction to the south west - it feels great to be back on the road.
Steve, a 62 year from South Carolina, pulled off to the side after passing me. Said the campground ahead was full, but that there was space on his site for me to set up. Again the unexpected kindness saved me from trouble. I reached the site, pitched my tent and went on a recommended hike to Angels Landing - a somewhat sketchy hike - the last bit with 1000 ft drop off on either side, with only sand rock and chains to hold on to. The view from top reaches all the way out of the valley.
It was getting dark by the time I made my way down and the stars were out when I got back to camp. Steve was getting ready for bed in the back of his Chevy but kept me company as I cooked pasta.

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