After the frustrations of having to sleep on the blacktop in the frost - waiting for a gate to open, all the troubles are forgotten and every effort seems worth while.
The view from my camp extends out over the north rim looking south west until the view drops off the horizon. The activity here is limited, leaving me as the only person in the hiker/bike area with the best seat in the house.
The gates were opened at 5:30 and I rode the 12.5 miles from the gate to the campsite in early morning light and low temperatures. Wrapped long johns around my hands to keep them from freezing on the long descent. At the campground a sign reading "no availability" was posted. Lucky for me this doesn't count if you arrived on a bike or feet.
At the back country office I booked a camp site for tomorrow at Cape Final - it's suppose to be more secluded then this, but may be difficult to access with a bike as its a 2 mile hike to reach the spot.
A group of 6 hikes had just arrived from the south rim. More came up from the bottom through the day. I spent most of the sunny hours on a bench overlooking the canyon. At 3 p.m. I began a hike down. More of the long distance hikers were coming towards me as I was descending. Few looking like they were enjoying the moment, most wishing for the top after the long 1 day rim to rim hike. Stopped and chatted with a few.
I turned around far from the bottom, having hoped for a different scenery and possibility of other pictures. It was after 9 p.m. and dark by the time I made my way to the tent. The stars here seem clearer and more abundant then ever.

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