Tuesday, March 2, 2010

February 28th, 2010

I didn't sleep well last night - strange dreams of portable tipis and how I could attach them to my bike kept from resting well. The news before switching off my computer last night was of on earthquake in Chile - my part destination. A tsunami warning was put in effect for the Washington coast. This was changed to an advisory by the time I woke - with expected waves and rise in sea level to hit the coast between 2 and 4 pm today. I left the ranch in rain, that slowly tamed off. Below is my first view of the Pacific Ocean - a marker, not imagined I'd be reaching on a bike...
The Chilean waves hit while I was pitching my tent on the Cliffs of Kalaloch. My thoughts go out to those I may meet...
From my camp I can hear and smell the ocean - I'm sure we'll be seeing allot of each other in the many months to come...


  1. You always seem to find such sweet spots to lay your bed down.
