It got late last night before I'd sorted through the items I would be shipping home. I missed the early bus leading toward Portland. As there are only two running a day this put me in a bit of a squeeze to get everything done and still catch the returning one - if I missed this one I be stuck in some suburb called Beaverton - not an option. I brought by bike with me as to get around easier. The company who sells this mythical status ultralight tent runs the operation out of a garage on a quiet street. They were kind people and I got to meet the creator -
Ron "Fallingwater" Moak. With too much chatting and difficulty finding my way around I missed the last bus. As Beaverton was not an option I began riding. Got about 40 km toward the coast before the sun set. Pulled over and hitched - third pickup-truck and I had a ride and my new home weighing less then a kilogram!

@fotoet med dig og telt-mand: "Jeg er IKKE en turist fra skandinavien som er ved at blive tørret af en morfar i strømpesokker. Jeg er IKKE naiv. Teltet er IKKE lavet af overskuds polyester fra en polsk skjorte fabrik."