Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 8th, 2010

The morning was particularly beautiful - clouds forming as cotton over the ocean. The weather channel had posted predictions of thunderstorms. Wind was picking up by the time I was ready to leave. Lucky for me it was tailwind, giving me top speed all the way to Raymond, from here the road swings back around an inlet, with the wind hitting head on. One of the most demoralizing things of bike riding... I was moving at 7 kmh. To think I could walk faster. It soon began hailing then rain and back to hail.
The drama of the changing sky reflected in the eroded, low tide waters.
I stayed in Cape Disappointment by the mouth of the Columbia River. Sunset came as the precipitation died down and was as classic as any over the Pacific.

1 comment:

  1. Herlige beskrivelser Adam og fine billeder! Er spændt på at høre om din tur til Portland med fremkaldelse.Knus fra mor
