An otherwise ordinary day. Sun didn't shine much - likewise the landscape lay in a gray cloud of fog and light rain. Winds were mostly against me, but fortunately far less aggressive then anticipated. Day began with a good climb, passing Fort Ross before continuing to the rim high above the ocean. Due to the poor weather the view was limited and cool air cooled me down quickly once stopped.
There is a fair amount of traffic as San Francisco is in range for weekend getaways. Bikes are becoming more common on the road, and waving to each other as we pass is the thing to do.
There hasn't been much to look at apart for vultures enjoying roadkill, a Corvette get together and a handful of surfers in the bays.
It's likely to be the weather, but the county of Sonoma and Marin are in no comparison to that on Mendocino - at least the part following the Ocean.
Ate a cookie outside the grocery store in Valley Ford, looking at a very soft dog with different colored eyes. There was a pay phone. I called the hostel in Point Reyes to find out they were all sold out for the night - not good as this is the only affordable place in the area. I pulled into town around 6:30. I figured the old tavern might point me in the right direction of a place to stay. The bartender did his best, but also his suggestions were full with weekend guests. If it wasent for the storm warning I'd have no problem pitching my tent. I stepped outside to consider my options when two smokers came out as well. We started talking, and the woman, having had just the right amount of alcohol, yelled to the guy on the opposite side of the road, picking up dinner at a taco truck - "you look like a guy who can help this biker out with a place to stay for the night..?!?" Situation was turning from bad to embarrassing. But to my surprise the man nodded at the strange and unexpected inquiry. Turned out he did have room. Bob is his name. Owns horses and there was a trailer to spare - all set up with a bed, bathroom and kitchen. We spoke little and I was invited to join him for breakfast at his house in the morning. I stood awestruck by the kindness in my home for the night. Seemed the efforts of this otherwise ordinary day were all worth while. The storm hit around 2 am.

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