Crossing the Oregon/California boarder was done in full down pour - dogs and cats can't describe the thing coming out of the sky. But the rain soon ceased. As the sun broke out I began getting cramps in gluteus maximus aka. butt - this has lasted the remaining of the day to Crescent City and on to the park where I stay now. Cramps so bad they forced me off the bike - like needles in my cheeks (pardon the expression) shooting pain into my inner thigh and up my back. I haven't had anything like this on the whole tip, and wonder why it comes now. Perhaps because I haven't stretched a single time since leaving Seattle?!?
The information center in Crescent City suggested I come to this park (Jedediah State park) as it's suppose to have the greatest concentration of redwoods on the coast. I don't trust the ranger who said this as he seemed new and unknowledgeable - but knowing even less myself I followed his advice. Any redwood will and have already impressed me. Weather is suppose to be sunny tomorrow, but begin raining again Sunday and the week out. It's therefor crucial that I get as much work done before the rain comes.
After setting camp and chicken dinner I walked to a trail near by. It was dark, but the moon was out. It's difficult to judge exposures but most seem to be around 30 min. I feel asleep on the ground during one of the shoots.
The woods are intense around here. Walking in them during the night brings out instincts still unfamiliar to me. Super sensitive and aware.
Its now 3:22 am and I need rest after a long day. No more thoughts now. off.

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