My blissful night under the canopy came to a sudden stop as I was woken by the god awful scream of what sounded like the lost spirit of some lunatic woman wandering through the woods - screaming small bursts of insanity as she went along. The first cry came not far from where I lay, but then slowly drifted further into the darkness and eventually fading out.
I was later told this may be the sound of the gray fox - I believe not. This was the sound of the Dark Angle...
When I woke the next time, the sun was shining and the forest awake again with life and color. Temperatures crept raising as the day passed hitting highs of 80 degrees. Shirt came off as did helmet. I know this is a bad idea, especially still riding where cars can be present, but I figured it wouldn't hurt just this once. A few minuets passed and the first corner turned when I heard the screeching noise of a car locking it's breaks. It was a long screech. Long enough for me to get off the bike, look back and see a white Acura turned sideways, continuing into the ditch. Behind the wheel sat a twenty something woman in shock. Apparently going to fast round the corner, and had gotten freaked out be me, my bike and pale pale back. With the help of a few other passer byre's were were able to push her back on the road. No one hurt. My helmet back on head and continuing down the road again. There were no camps grounds in reaching distance, and the deep woods are now behind me, so I've taken shelter on a small driveway that looks like it hasn't been used for some time.

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