And so I left Arcata. On the road by 10:30. Its less then ten miles to Eureka, but my legs began cramping up just as I turned the corner. I knew it was going to be a long day. 90 minuets later I got to Eureka - legs in a ridicules shape, bordering to the non-working. The cramping forcing me off the bike to stretch every 500 meters. Once one leg was fit to go the other would start up - a fuc**ng joke! This has lasted all day - my pain tolerance pushed further then I thought it would. Despite this complication the day has passed quickly.
Luckily the wind was with me and I managed to cover 64 miles. Weather has been great and the hills few. The town of Ferndale a victorian movie set, cow and grass covered fields as far as the eye can see, mountains white with snow as I made my way to Del Rio.
Tonight I sleep by Avenue of the Giants amongst the redwoods. It looks to be a clear night, so I wont bother pitching the tent.
ps. Also had my first flat today- an easy fix. Hope my legs will cooperate tomorrow...
Amazing forest shots you are getting Adam. This looks to be a great place to spend a night